This elegant arrangement of 25 Yellow roses in a white vase is the perfect for expressing love, admiration, celebration, or just to elevate any space.
-Shown at 25 Stems.
-All our roses are long stem to guarantee head size -------
For more information about sizes, colors, and other details regarding these arrangements, please contact (305)7135669. We will be happy to assist you and provide the information you need. -------------------------------------------- Remember that we work with the best flowers on the market.
This elegant arrangement of 36 roses in a white vase is the perfect for expressing love, admiration, celebration, or just to elevate any space.
-Shown at 36 Stems.
-All our roses are long stem to guarantee head size -------
For more information about sizes, colors, and other details regarding these arrangements, please contact (305)7135669. We will be happy to assist you and provide the information you need. -------------------------------------------- Remember that we work with the best flowers on the market.
This elegant arrangement of 25 white roses in a white vase is the perfect for expressing love, admiration, celebration, or just to elevate any space.
-Shown at 25 Stems.
-All our roses are long stem to guarantee head size -------
For more information about sizes, colors, and other details regarding these arrangements, please contact (305)7135669. We will be happy to assist you and provide the information you need. -------------------------------------------- Remember that we work with the best flowers on the market.